Now here’s how we did it and how you can do it as well..

If you’re running Facebook ads for real estate agency, this post will give you a ton of inspiration. At 10xGrowth (a Lead Generation Agency), We’ve analysed hundreds of Facebook Ads to pick some great examples. With every example we’ll highlight what you can learn from it. None of them are perfect, but they use different methods & hooks. When starting a campaign, you can learn from this case study to build the perfect Facebook ad for your real estate agency that can help you grow in 2020.

Let’s look at how

1 – Targeting – Finding ideal customer for STL Homes  

Since, we were looking to generate home seller leads in our area, we decided to use Facebook as our ad platform, because of the very detailed targeting options available to marketers.  

We defined our ideal audience for STL Homes using following criteria:  

Geographic location: in this case we used a radius of 10 miles around the office of our customer. In other cases we have used zip code targeting, which works just as well. Demographics: we’re looking for home seller leads, so we’re targeting homeowners 

Then we took it one step further and narrowed down the audience using some extra criteria like length of residence to exclude recent movers, just to make sure we target people who are more likely to plan a move in the not so distant future. While generating leads can be a lot of fun in itself, our customers are ultimately looking for listings and closing, meaning paychecks.  

In this case we ended up with a targeted audience of 22,000 home owners on Facebook, all highly motivated to click our ads (at least that is what we like to think).

2 – Attracting with Bait or a Value Ad Offer  

That’s it, that is our lead bait, our lead magnet, irresistible to every home owner no matter what the market, good or bad, up or down.  

So all that is left to do is to craft an ad answering this question and put it in front of our ideal customer.  

A good ad for Facebook marketing needs following elements:  

  • a stunning visual 
  • a grappling headline 
  • strong ad copy touching a pain point or answering a question 
  • an irresistible call to action 
  • some element of gain, logic or fear works well, and even better if you add
  • some scarcity in the mix 

Ads on Facebook are the modern day version of billboards next to a highway, with that difference that they are only shown to your ideal customer and that you only have to pay if someone actually pulls over and calls the number on the billboard!

3 – Taking them to the Landing Page

So we’re spending money on ads, paying for every click. Now we need a good place to send those people who couldn’t resist the urge of clicking our ad. We need a fantastic landing page that does one thing, and does it well: convert visitors into home seller leads! We spent thousands of dollars on ads to fine tune our ad copy and the landing page to finally arrive at the ultimate home seller lead machine. Here’s what our landing page looks like:

You never have to worry about Acquiring a New Customer.. Read Below!

So there you have it… we hope the case study was helpful. Once you have a solid digital marketing structure like this in place, you will never have to worry about where your next customer is going to come from again.  

Something like this, if done right, could most certainly add hundreds of thousands of dollars of extra revenue to your business within a few years. If you serious about building a sustainable Real Estate Agency, you need to be thinking about 3 main things:

– How to attract new customers (and get 100s of new leads)

– How to engage and provide value to customers (On ongoig basis)

– How to ensure repeat customers

At 10xGrowth, we cover all. We will provide you not just with a facebook Ads but an overall strategy that will help you build a suistanable business. This will include 

– Helping you understand you ideal customer

– Helping you focus on a specific niche

– Greating an irrestitable offer for your prospects

– Write a proven Ad Copy, Ad targeting and graphic

– Create a lead Magnet and Customer Acquisition funnel

– Automate your day to day customer interaction to provide a fool proof customer engagement strategy

Hit the button and book a No Obligation Consultation and I will be happy to help you with your questions and provide some actionable plan to grow your Real Estate Agency in 2020.